Designtex Showroom at NeoCon

A hectic life juggling two small children alongside the relentless travel schedule of an architecture and design journalist, exacerbated by a chronic medical diagnosis, inspired me to discover practical methods to renew myself each day; in fact, my solution was hiding in plain sight: my body and my breath. Trained properly, the body and breath serve as steadfast conduits to an infinitely renewable source for wellbeing, quality of life, and longevity.

I became a certified yoga instructor in 2017 and began teaching in a corporate setting. When I observed my practice’s impacts on the wellbeing of individuals and creative teams, I incorporated some of these lessons to develop workshops for workplace wellbeing and continued to research and experiment with more practices to instill restorative health habits that support workplace skills such as innovation, harmonious engagement and leadership. I have taught for many design professionals, including an educational toy developer in the Chicago area, Sherwin-Williams, New York-based PR firm Novitá, Beko, Modenus Media Design Hounds, Monogram Appliances and Wood-Mode. In addition to being a certified yoga instructor, I am a WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP), and the Sustainability and Wellbeing Director at Spring Architecture, in Westport, Connecticut.

My Sleep for Creativity video was featured in NeoConnect–the online digital component of NeoCon 2020. In 2021 I wrote The Sleep System: 28 Days to Better Sleep, and began offering 1:1 movement, sleep and health transformations for individual design clients. I am also author of The A+D Wellness Toolkit, this free wellbeing guide I designed specifically to support architecture and design professionals. In 2022 I founded Wellbeing by Design: Global Women’s Vitality Circle to empower women to practice wellbeing in community. We meet Wednesdays at 1200 Central on Zoom. Everyone is welcome, so please click the link and request to join!


LinkedIn Megan Mazzocco
Insta @yogaXdesign